Sixth Form

Please note that we have now held our Transition Evening, but it is not too late to apply to join our Sixth Form. See the “Prospectus ” page to download our prospectus.
The importance of further education and training for 16 year olds has become increasingly recognised in recent years.  Consequently, for most students the end of the period of compulsory schooling does not mark the end of their full-time education.Since its inception, Bishop Stopford’s  School has had a sixth form, so we have considerable experience and expertise in the teaching of Advanced Level and other sixth form courses.

Subject to our normal admissions criteria, we are always willing to take students into the Sixth Form from other schools.  Indeed, we welcome all applications since we believe that the Sixth Form at the School has something to offer to all.

Bishop Stopford’s offers all students and/ or their parents:

  • an induction programme including careers advice upon entry into the Sixth Form;
  • regular monitoring of attendance and work, by sixth-form tutors, and through staff review meetings;
  • regular information on progress through the issuing of a report, and a parents’ evening each year;
  • also, the opportunity to speak to a senior member of staff on matters of particular concern on any Tuesday evening during term time;
  • the opportunity to take a short course such as Sports Leadership in addition to their main course programme;
  • participation in a varied range of extra-curricular activities including community service.