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  • Bishop’s Girls trip to Chelsea FC

    Published 21/06/23

    Recently we rewarded the hard work of some of our students with a prestigious trip to Stamford Bridge the home of Chelsea FC.  This was linked to our partnership with the Greenhouse Coaching programme led by Coach Dom.

    Our students were met international Women’s footballers including some of the current England team and had the opportunity to learn from them and the hard work that it takes to get to the top in any discipline.  The girls were further rewarded with Chelsea Football shirts and other club gifts as memories of their wonderful day.  Our Year 10 student Kaiya summed up the day well with her reflection on the day ‘it was amazing to come here and make new friends whilst learning in such an inspirational place’.


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    Published 16/06/23

    Dear Parent/Carer

    I am writing to inform you that Monday, 3rd July is the day of our annual Foundation Service. The
    school will close for the afternoon at 12.15 pm for all students apart from Year 7 and those taking part in
    the service. This service will take place in our school hall at 2.00 p.m.

    Andie Frost, from Chase Family Church will be preaching during the event, and Father Stephen Taylor
    from St Michael’s Church will be leading the service. The School Choir, Worship Group, Drum Group and
    various student readers will be taking part.

    Students from years 8, 9, 10 and 12 (except those taking part) do not have to attend the service
    and will be dismissed from school at 12.15pm that day.

    We would like to warmly invite Parents of Year 7 and those taking part to attend.
    The service is compulsory for staff and students in Year 7; for what is always a great Stopfordian family
    occasion; to give thanks for another year in the life of our school and dedicate ourselves afresh to the

    With many thanks and all good wishes.
    Miss J Dougherty
    Assistant Headteacher and Lay Chaplain

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    Published 26/05/23

    Dear Families,

    With reference to my last letter, please find below additional information for year 11 and 13:-
    Return to School After Half Term – Arrangements

    The school re-opens on Monday, 5th June, 2023.
    Students with exams on Monday 5th June should arrive to school at the times indicated on their exam timetables. This means:
    Year 11 students (with the exception of 11J) should arrive at 7.45am for their English exam revision session, and their English Language Exam which begins at 8.45am.
    Year 12 and 13 students taking the resit English Language exam should also arrive by 8.45am.
    Year 13 A Level Economics and A Level Turkish students should arrive at 8.45am also.
    All other students including 11J will arrive for a 11.15am start in order to facilitate staff training.
    We look forward to seeing our students for their exams at the times stated.

    Kind regards.
    Mrs T Day
    Headteacher, BA (Hons), NPQH

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    Published 25/05/23

    May, 2023

    Dear Families,

    As we approach the half term holidays, I wanted to write to you to tell you how very proud I am of the achievements of our students this academic year. You will know that we are working on the four key areas of literacy, consistency, self-regulation and metacognition (more information on this can be found on our website).

    Our literacy strategy, which includes the re- launch of our library; the continued drive to give all students access to high quality digital literature through the use of Reader Plus Programme and Chrome Books; and a focus on oracy through our tutorial programme has meant that our students are making good progress in this area. Oracy is a powerful tool for learning; by teaching students to become more effective speakers and listeners, we empower them to better understand themselves, each other and the world around them. It is also a route to social mobility, empowering all students, not just some, to find their voice to succeed in school and life’. I would encourage you to support us with our literacy drive at home through modelling reading, discussing books and engaging in conversation with your child about their school day and the wider world. For more detail on the literacy strategy visit our website by following the link How do we enhance student learning through literacy? – Bishop Stopfords School

    Our strategy to support self-regulation and metacognition focuses on enhancing students’ understanding of how they learn and encourages them to take responsibility for their learning. There has been an explicit focus this term on teaching students how to plan, monitor and evaluate their own performance. A crucial aspect of this is understanding their strengths and know what is required to improve further. Once again please do speak to their child about what they have learnt this year and how they will apply this moving forward. For further details follow the link to our website Self-Regulation and Metacognition – Bishop Stopfords School

    Our strategy focusing on consistency, ensures that our curriculum is accessible to all and has depth and breadth.  This is facilitated in all departments through strong schemes of learning that enable progression and academic success.

    We have been fine tuning our consistent approach to behaviour for learning. Many of you will have contributed to the annual consultation of our Behaviour Policy and the feedback we have had from you is very positive. We continue to encourage our students to be behave in a respectful, responsible, considerate, and loyal way to ensure their success.

    I would ask that you continue to support us in ensuring your child is in school every day and that they are on time as we know that routine and consistency leads to strong outcomes for all.

    Finally, I would like to congratulate our Year 11 and Year 13 students on a very successful start to the exam period. They have been attending revision sessions and pre exam warm ups regularly, and we believe this is giving them greater confidence in the exams. Please speak to your child about revision sessions in school and be abreast of any sessions running in half term. Each student has received a personalised copy of their revision timetable. Please contact Miss Williams, Exams Officer at should you have any questions. We appreciate your support in ensuring we have good attendance at these sessions.

    Last Day of Half Term Arrangements

    On Friday, 26th May, 2023, the school day will end as normal after period 5 at 14:55pm for all students not currently sitting exams.

    Return to School After Half Term – Arrangements

    The school re-opens on Monday, 5th June 2023. Year 11 students (with the exception of 11J) will attend at 7.45am for their English exam revision sessionall other students including 11J will arrive for a 11.15 am start in order to facilitate staff training.

    I wish you a restful half-term. Hopefully, will all be able to enjoy some long-awaited warm weather and sunshine.

    Kind regards.

     Tanny Day

    Headteacher, BA (Hons), NPQH

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  • Notification of strike action/closure/partial closure on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May 2023

    Published 20/04/23

    20th April, 2023

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Notification of strike action/closure/partial closure on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May 2023

    We have been informed by the NEU Trade Union that there will be a day of strike action by their teacher members on Thursday 27th April and Tuesday 2nd May 2023.  The dispute is with the Secretary of State for Education with regards to the NEU’s view that there has been a ‘Failure to provide a fully funded above-inflation pay rise (as measured by September 2022 RPI). A fully funded pay rise is one that is funded by additional resources sufficient to provide the above-inflation pay rise’ (NEU).

    As Headteacher, I have assessed the impact of the strike action on the school and have decided that the school will only be open for Years 11, 13 and any student with an Educational Health Care Plan (EHCP) who is looked after (CLA), or is subject to a Child in Need Plan or a Child Protection plan. The school will be contacting parents of EHCP, CIN and CLA students directly to discuss provision and options for attending for those students listed above for Thursday, 27th April and Tuesday, 2nd May, 2023.  School will commence at 8.55am.

    Year 7, 8, 9, 10 and 12 students – Will remain at home.  Whilst at home on these days, we encourage our students to complete independent study.  This will enable them to continue to strengthen their core knowledge and understanding of the topics that they are learning in school.  In order to support with this, students can access the learning sites (attached to this letter) to :  Review and extend prior learning  Prepare for upcoming learning that will be taking place in school  Revise and prepare for upcoming assessments and exams  Complete homelearning tasks

    If your child is in receipt of free school meals and are not attending on the strike day, they may request a ‘packed lunch’ to be collected from the school reception at 12 noon on the strike days, i.e. Thursday, 27th April and Tuesday, 2nd May, 2023. In order to ensure that your child receives their lunch and that there is no waste, please confirm your details by emailing by noon Tuesday, 25th April, 2023.

    This decision has not been taken lightly and we regret having to partially close the school, but have done this to ensure the safety and wellbeing of all pupils.

    Our sincere apologies for the difficulties that these arrangements will cause parents/carers but unfortunately these are circumstances beyond our control.

    The school will open as normal on Friday 28th April and then from Weds 3rd May 2023.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs T Day, BA (Hons), NPQH Headteacher

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  • KS4 Exams Section

    Published 21/02/23

    Dear Year 11 Parents/ Carers,

    As you will be aware, trial examinations for Year 11 students are scheduled to take place between Monday 20th February – Tuesday 7th March.  During this two week trial exam period, students will sit examinations for all of their GCSE/vocational subjects and in turn this is an opportunity for them to gain valuable practice and experience as they prepare for their final exams in just over 3 months’ time.  A timetable detailing the date and time of each of these exams can be found below.

    Throughout the trial exam period:

    ·         Morning exams will begin promptly at 8.55am

    ·         Students will be expected to arrive to school at the normal time of 8.30am at the latest and report to the school canteen

    ·         The school canteen will be open earlier, from 7.45am each day, for students to access breakfast and a study space

    ·         Break will run as normal at 10.55am

    ·         Students will attend period 3 as normal, with lunch taking place at 12.15pm

    ·         Students will begin their afternoon exams following lunch at 1pm

    ·         All students will be dismissed from school to go home once their afternoon exams have finished (please note that dependent on the length of the exam, this may be earlier than the usual 3.10pm finish, please refer to the exam timetable for further details)

    Thank you as always for your continued support.  We wish all of Year 11 every success in their trial exams and look forward to sharing their results with you in March.

    With all best wishes

    Ella Moynihan

    Deputy Headteacher – Standards and Achievement

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  • February Half Term Letter

    Published 20/02/23

    10th February, 2023

    Dear Parent/Carers,

    As we approach another half term, I would like to thank you all for  continuing to work in partnership with our school, ensuring our students get the best possible support from home and school. We recognise how important school and family is in terms of success. Schools and families provide stability and an environment where children can flourish. We can sometimes forget how lucky we are to have those that we love around us, warm clothes and food.

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  • Industrial action by the National Education Union

    Published 20/01/23

    Dear Parents/Carers,

    Strike Action, Wednesday, 1st February, 2023

    I am writing regarding forthcoming industrial action by the National Education Union which you will likely have seen covered in the national media.

    The National Education Union is the largest union of teachers in the UK. They have announced a programme of strike action which will disrupt many schools on the following dates: Wednesday 1st February (national day of action), Thursday, 2nd March (regional day of action), Wednesday 15th and Thursday 16th March (national days of action).

    If the strike action is not called off, there could be an impact on our school operations on these dates. As you would expect, I am currently making plans regarding how Bishop Stopford’s School will respond on these strike days. It is my responsibility as Headteacher to provide the best education that I can and keep the school open for as many students as possible.

    I will write to you again towards the end of the week with plans for Wednesday 1st February and will keep you fully updated going forwards.

    Yours sincerely,

    Mrs Day


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  • Return to School – Tuesday 3rd January 2023

    Published 15/12/22

    We look forward to our return to school in the New Year on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. Students will arrive at 9.30am and attend registration with their form tutors. Lessons will then return to normal from Lesson 2. This will facilitate a staff training session to further develop staff professional development and continue to raise standards in our teaching. We will be returning to a week 1 timetable. Please do ensure that your child arrives on time and that they are well prepared for the year ahead with correct uniform and the required equipment to facilitate learning.

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  • Year 12 Parents’ Evening: Online Appointment Booking

    Published 14/12/22

    Dear Parent/Guardian,

    You are invited to attend our Virtual Year 12  Parents' Evening on Thursday 23rd of Feb. 2023. The evening starts at 4:00 pm and ends at 6.30 pm.

    To select your appointment times​, use the online appointment booking system (School Cloud).

    Appointments can be made from now and will close on Thursday 23rd Feb. 12 noon.

    Should you wish to make any changes after this, please get in touch with the school office. To log in and book your appointment please visit:

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  • Weather Notice​​​​​​​

    Published 12/12/22

    Dear Parents/Carers

    Important Update – Friday 16th December 2022
    School will be open for all students from 8:55am. Please do not send your child in before 8.45am as we are unable to supervise until then.

    8.55am – Students will go to lesson 1
    Period 1 and 2 as normal
    10:55 – 11.15am – Break (use of indoor areas only)
    Period 3 – students will be in tutor rooms and will be dismissed from 12pm onwards.

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