Want to make healthy habits together as a family (and have fun doing it?) We are BeeZee Bodies, and we're here to help improve your family's health and wellbeing. Our team are experts at engaging kids around healthy eating and healthy habits (we've even won awards to prove it!) and now we're offering support to...

RAF Diversity/STEM Engagement Event

On Tuesday 15th March 2022 Bishop Stopford’s School was delighted to have hosted a special RAF Diversity/STEM Engagement Event at the school. Selected members of the RAF BAME Network landed a Chinook Helicopter on our school field and then conducted a series of presentations and workshops to our students with a STEM focus, plus the...

IWD 2022 campaign theme: #BreakTheBias

Imagine a gender equal world. A world free of bias, stereotypes, and discrimination. A world that is diverse, equitable, and inclusive. A world where difference is valued and celebrated. Together we can forge women's equality. https://www.internationalwomensday.com/Theme Collectively we can all #BreakTheBias.  

School Online Safety Alert

Dear Parents/Carers, We have been is communication with the Metropolitan Police who would like all schools to help make parents and carers aware of a new app known as ‘YUBO’ which is causing a lot of safeguarding concerns at the moment in the public domain, and has raised media attention. The app “YUBO” formally known...

Half Term

Students will return to school after half term on Monday 21st February. Year 11 students will return to school as normal and should arrive at 8.30 am in readiness for their first trial examination which starts at 9.00 am. All other year groups, will return to school at a slightly later time of 11.15 am...

Build Up Group see World’s first!

On Wednesday 17th November 2021 the Bishop’s Build Up group were exclusively invited to the Sony TV Headquarters in London. Upon arrival, they each received their personalised ‘Sony Press Pass’ and were taken through to the glorious Brunel Building. The Sony staff gave them an insight into their work and some of the projects they...

Voting for parent governor

Please find below a covering letter and statements for nominations for our two vacancies for parent governor. Should you wish to vote, please do so by Thursday, 25th November 2021 by 12pm. The ballot box will be placed in the school’s reception. Alternatively, please send your voting slip by post to the school for the...

Anti-Bullying Week

This week in form time we discussed this quote by Martin Luther King, Jr.  “Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that.  Hate cannot drive hate; only love can do that.”  Martin Luther King Jr We also reflected on how Jesus told us to love one another and dispel the darkness with the light...

Parents Letter – 2022

Dear Parent/Carers, After an exciting week and a very positive return to school, I thought that I should update you on the school’s current Covid control measures. Our current continuous measures are: -  Regular hand washing  Cleaning  Ventilation  Recommending using face coverings in internal communal areas (although this is not compulsory)....

Bishop’s Build Up Guest Speaker

On Wednesday 20th October 2021 we were excited to receive a visit from Associate Professor of Immunology Dr Donald Palmer BSc (Hons), MSc, PhD, PGCAP, FHEA, FRSB.  Dr Palmer took time out of his busy schedule at to deliver an inspirational talk to some of our students and offer some support and guidance on how to overcome barriers that...


  The Department of Education has recently announced the availability of funding to support students whose learning was disrupted as a result of the COVID pandemic. This 16-19 Tuition Fund is available to all 16 to 19 providers including Bishop Stopford’s School's Sixth Form and is ring-fenced for 16 to 19 small group tuition only....

Let’s get together

Nexus Enfield are hosting a new event, and they’d love to see parents there. This event will be focusing on Mental Health, Serious Youth Violence, COVID-19 and the vaccine as well as Social Media. Join them on Thursday 30 September 2021 at 19:00.Register soon because space is limited. https://www.nexusenfield.com/nexus-projects/heard

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