End of term letter July 2023

July, 2023 Dear Parents /Carers, As we approach the end of another academic year, I would like to thank you all once again for your continued support. Events We have had some wonderful community events this year. We cherish all opportunities to bring our community together, along with our own staff and students. We have...

Rudolph Walker Inter School Drama Awards

I am delighted to announce that students from Bishop Stopford's are in the final of Rudolph Walker Inter School Drama Awards at the Shaw Theatre on the 9th July 2023 at 3pm. It would be wonderful to have many supporters there as we aim to not only show a powerful piece written by the students...

Bishop’s Year 10 Girls sports Leaders

  This year the PE department has focused a lot of time and effort into the development of opportunities for our students and made the equality of access for girls our main priority. We selected 24 female students to run the Enfield Borough World Cup Football event designed to inspire the next generation of young...

Year 10 Geography Field Trip to Whitstable

'On Thursday year 10 geography students went to the Whitstable in Kent to conduct their geography fieldwork.  Working in groups they undertook both human(doing pedestrian count and interviewing the locals ) and physical study( measuring the beach profile, height of the groynes and sediment samples as well).  As the geography department, we are very pleased...

Sixth Form Induction 29th & 30th June

All students who have already applied for a place within the sixth form will have received a letter regarding the induction programme, they will be participating in team building activities as well as taster lessons in their chosen subjects. Students who have not yet applied may make a late application by emailing BSSsixthform@bishopstopfords.enfield.sch.uk

Bishop’s Girls trip to Chelsea FC

Recently we rewarded the hard work of some of our students with a prestigious trip to Stamford Bridge the home of Chelsea FC.  This was linked to our partnership with the Greenhouse Coaching programme led by Coach Dom.     Our students were met international Women’s footballers including some of the current England team and...


Dear Parent/Carer I am writing to inform you that Monday, 3rd July is the day of our annual Foundation Service. The school will close for the afternoon at 12.15 pm for all students apart from Year 7 and those taking part in the service. This service will take place in our school hall at 2.00...


Dear Families, With reference to my last letter, please find below additional information for year 11 and 13:- Return to School After Half Term – Arrangements The school re-opens on Monday, 5th June, 2023. Students with exams on Monday 5th June should arrive to school at the times indicated on their exam timetables. This means:...


May, 2023 Dear Families, As we approach the half term holidays, I wanted to write to you to tell you how very proud I am of the achievements of our students this academic year. You will know that we are working on the four key areas of literacy, consistency, self-regulation and metacognition (more information on...

KS4 Exams Section

Dear Year 11 Parents/ Carers, As you will be aware, trial examinations for Year 11 students are scheduled to take place between Monday 20th February – Tuesday 7th March.  During this two week trial exam period, students will sit examinations for all of their GCSE/vocational subjects and in turn this is an opportunity for them to gain valuable...

February Half Term Letter

10th February, 2023 Dear Parent/Carers,   As we approach another half term, I would like to thank you all for  continuing to work in partnership with our school, ensuring our students get the best possible support from home and school. We recognise how important school and family is in terms of success. Schools and families...

Dear Parents/Carers, Strike Action, Wednesday, 1st February, 2023 I am writing regarding forthcoming industrial action by the National Education Union which you will likely have seen covered in the national media. The National Education Union is the largest union of teachers in the UK. They have announced a programme of strike action which will disrupt...

Return to School – Tuesday 3rd January 2023

We look forward to our return to school in the New Year on Tuesday 3rd January 2023. Students will arrive at 9.30am and attend registration with their form tutors. Lessons will then return to normal from Lesson 2. This will facilitate a staff training session to further develop staff professional development and continue to raise...

Year 12 Parents’ Evening: Online Appointment Booking

Dear Parent/Guardian, You are invited to attend our Virtual Year 12  Parents' Evening on Thursday 23rd of Feb. 2023. The evening starts at 4:00 pm and ends at 6.30 pm. To select your appointment times​, use the online appointment booking system (School Cloud). Appointments can be made from now and will close on Thursday 23rd Feb. 12 noon. Should you wish to make any changes...

Weather Notice

Dear Parents/Carers Important Update – Friday 16th December 2022 School will be open for all students from 8:55am. Please do not send your child in before 8.45am as we are unable to supervise until then. 8.55am - Students will go to lesson 1 Period 1 and 2 as normal 10:55 - 11.15am - Break (use of indoor...

Admissions Policy 2024 to 2025

Families will have received an email last week with the new Admissions Policy which is up for consultation. Please see below, for ease of reference, the link to the policy. Should you have any comments, please email Elaine Neacy, PA to Headteacher by Monday, 19th December at eneacy@bishopstopfords.enfield.sch.uk.

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